Ajankohtaista|30 huhtikuu 2020

New CEO of the Vingmed Group

As of May 1st Bengt Malmfält will retire and be replaced by Jan Erik Kirkeby as the CEO of the Vingmed Group. Bengt has been with the Vingmed Group since 1996. For many years he was CEO of Vingmed AB. As the group has developed he has served as the Group CEO for the last few years. Key focus areas has been to strengthen our position as a pan-Nordic player, establish our business in Finland, develop a best practice culture and leverage synergies across the countries and business units. On behalf of the Board of Directors I would like to communicate our appreciation of Bengt’s great efforts and results achieved. We are happy that he now will take a seat within the Board of Directors.

Further, the Board is very happy to welcome Jan Erik as the new Group CEO. He has sincere experience as employee at the Vingmed Group since 1983. Jan Erik has played a key role in developing the Group’s business within the interventional area. The last few years he has been the Group’s Chief Commercial Officer, and has together with Bengt played an important role in strengthening our Nordic position. The close cooperation between Jan Erik and Bengt ensures good continuity. As the Group CEO Jan Erik, together with the rest of the Group management, will ensure that we leverage the value of being a strong Nordic player with presence in four countries, within a wide range of product areas, with more than 160 fantastic employees. The Board of Directors looks forward to a close cooperation.

Best regards,

Anders Thoresen
Chairman of the Board
Vingmed Holding AS

Mobil: +47 900 35938
E-post: at@dht.no


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